Recent Talks 2018-01-06 - 'The Power of the Cross' - Hebrews 12:1-32018-01-06 - 'Trusting in Gods Great Love' - 1 John 3:1-32018-01-13 AM - Looking to the future with God - Jeremiah 29: 11-142019-01-13 PM - What are you trusting in and who are you living for - Romans 2:17-292019-01-20-Knowing God and making him Known2019-01-27 AM - Isaiah vision and commission -Isaiah 6: 1-82019-01-27 PM - Do you have the right view of God - Romans 3:1-82019-02-03 AM - Jesu brings transformation - John 2: 1-112019-02-03 PM -The Guikt of all humanity - Romans 3:9-202019-02-10 AM- Jesus challenges the status quo - John 2:12-252019-02-10 PM - What is justification by faith? - Romans 3:20-222019-02-17 AM-Jesus gives new birth-John 3:1-152019-02-17 PM-By free grace alone-Romans 3:23-242019-02-24AM - Seeing God's love in God's Son - John 3:16-212019-02-24PM - What faith in the cross - Romans 3: 24-25a2019-03-03 AM - Jesus the Wonderful Counsellor - John 4: 1-422019-03-03 PM -The vindication of God's justice - Romans 25b-262019-03-10-The Great Priority - Matthew 22:23-402019-03-17 AM - Baptism - Matthew 28: 16-202019-03-17 PM - Wherevis your confidence placed- Romans 3: 24-312019-03-24 AM- Jesus calls us to true worship - John 4: 19-262019-03-24 PM - God's covenant with Abram - Genisis 152019-03-31 AM - The healing signs of Jesus -John 4:43 5: -152019-03-31 PM - The original way of faith -Romans 4: 1-172019-04-07 AM- The healing at the pool- John 5: 1-152019-04-07 PM-The character and implications of faith- Romans 4: 18-252019-04-14 (1) AM - What are you searching for this Easter ?2019-04-14 (2) AM - The seed which falls into the ground and dies2019-04-14 AM - Receiving or Rejecting the KIng2019-04-14 PM - Peace with God - Romans 5: 1-112019-04-21 - The message of the Resurrection - John 21Part1 AM2019-04-21 - The message of the Resurrection - Part2 AM - John 212019-04-21 - The message of the Resurrection - John 21 part3 AM2019-04-21 PM - The resurrection Evening, The Road to Emmaus - Luke 24: 13-49 , Romans 8:18-252019-04-28 AM-I know that my Redeemer lives-Job 19: 25-272019-04-28 PM-Rejoicing in suffering-Romans 5: 3-52019-05-05 AM-Life through the Son-John 5:16-472019-05-05 PM - Saved by his death and life - Romans 5: 1-112019-05-12 AM - ‘The New Samaritans’ Luke 10: 25-372019-05-19 AM - Wisdom for the whole of life - Proverbs2019-05-19 PM - A Lord to honour - Proverbs 1: 1-72019-05-26 - A path to take - Proverbs 2:1-3:62019-06-02 AM - The Power of Prayer - Matthew 6:5-152019-06-02 PM - A Choice is Made - Proverbs 92019-06-09 AM - Wisdom from the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2:1-162019-06-16 AM - The Father's love - 1 John 3: 1-82019-06-16 PM - The Fathers Love (part 2) - Galatians 3: 26 - 4:72019-06-23 AM - Helping children come to Jesus - Mark 9: 33-37 ; Mark 10: 13-162019-06-23 - A way to speak - Proverbs 10: 18-212019-06-30 -What is 'The Fear pf God'-Deuteronomy 31: 12-132019-07-07 - Turning and trusting God - Ruth Chapter 12019-07-14 - Trusting God through loss - Ruth Chapter 22019-07-21- God's blessings through human faithfullness - Ruth Chapter 32019 - 07-28 - Our Redeeming God - Ruth Chapter 42019-08-04 - Is it True or Wishful Thinking - Mark 13: 1-8 , 24-272019-08-11- What sort of people ought we to be- 2 Peter 3: 1-132019-08-18-Trusting God in turbulenttimes- Psalm 622019-08-25-The Parable of the Lost Son-Luke 15:1-10 Luke 15:11-312019-09-01 AM- Assurance - Romans 5:1-112019-09-01 PM -Gods Eternal Plan - Romans 8:28-382019-09-08 AM - Being Church in a Troubled World - Good news for confused times - Acts 27: 13-442019-09-08 PM - God's Power & Promises -2 Peter 1: 3-112019-09-15 AM - Two rival kingdoms - Romans 5: 12-212019-09-15 PM - Christ's victory over evil - 1 John 3: 7-102019-09-22 AM - God's provision - Psalm 652019-09-22 PM - Identity in Christ - Ephesians 2: 1-102019-09-29 AM - Why Christians obey God: dead to sin2019-09-29 PM Matt Tindale - Psalm 962019-10-06 AM - Dead to Sin, alive to God - Romans 6: 11-132019-10-06 PM - Becoming holy: God's work and ours - 1 Cor 6: 11, Phil 2: 12-13, Isaiah 6: 1-92019-10-13 PM - Pollution and purification - Mark 7: 14-23, 1 John 1: 5-102019-10-20 AM - How has Christ set us free? - Galatians 3: 7-142019-10-20 PM - The Lord our Light and Salvation- Psalm 272019-10-27 AM - Why has Christ set us free? - Galtians 5: 1, 13-142019-10-27 PM - The battle for the mind- Romans 12: 1-22019-11-03 AM - The purpose of God's holy law - Romans 7: 4-172019-11-03 PM - Resisting the enemy - James 4: 7; Ephesians 6: 10-182019-11-10 AM - Praying in dark times- Psalm 882019-11-10 PM - The struggle against sin - Romans 7: 14-252019-11-17 AM - A different kind of you - 2nd Cor 5: 172019-11-17 PM - The spirit of sanctification - 2-Corinthians 3:7-182019-11-24 AM - Grace for the struggle against sin- Romans 7: 14 - 8: 22019-11-24 PM - Growing in community - 1 Thessalonians 2: 8 , Acts 2: 422019-12-01 AM - The Father of Christmas -Luke 15: 1-2, 11-322019-12-01 PM - Pressing on to glory - Philippians 3: 12-16 -2019-12-08 AM - Preparing your heart for Christmas - Luke 1: 5-25, 1: 57-682019-12-08 PM Comfort and joy - Luke 2: 21-402019-12-15 AM - The tender mercy of our God - Luke 1: 76-782019-12-15 PM - Why do we need Christ ? - John 8: 122019-12-22 - Reason for Hope - Isaiah 9: 1-7 ( )2019-12-24 - Where can we find peace on earth ? - Luke 2: 13-142019-12-29 - The Father's House - Luke 2: 40-522020-01-05 AM - The barriers, the battles and the burdens - Hebrews 12: 1-22020-01-05 PM - Growing in the faith - John 1: 19-44 , Matthew 4: 18-222019-01-12 AM - Be strong in the Lord - Ephesians 6: 102019-01-12 PM - Behold the Lamb - Revelation 1: 4-62020-01-19 - Praying in the presence of our enemy - Ephesians 6:11-122020-01-26 AM - Victory in Christ - Colossians 2:6-152020-01-26 PM - Lord, teach us how to pray - Matthew 6:6; 11:28-302019-02-02 AM - Knowing how to fight - Ephesians 6: 11,132019-02-02 PM - Perservering in prayer - Luke 18 1-82020-02-09 AM - The belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness - Ephesians 6: 142020-02-09 PM part 2 - Praise and adoration - Matthew 6:92020-02-09 PM part 1 - Praise and adoration - Matthew 6: 92020-02-16 AM - The gospel of peace - Ephesians 6: 152020-02-23 AM - The breastplate of righteousness - Ephesians 6: 142020-02-23 PM - Give us this day our daily bread - Philippians 4: 4-7, Luke 22: 1-442020-03-01 AM - The shield of faith - Ephesians 6:162020-03-01 PM - Prayer as listening: Meditating on God's Word2020-03-08 AM - Pray for courage - Ephesians 6:192020-03-08 PM - Standing in the gap - praying for others - 1 Kings 172020-03-15 - Follow our leader, Connecting with God in a distracting world - Hebrews 5: 1-10, 7: 25Roddy Cameron Funeral - 19/03/202020-08-30 - The Joy of God's Presense - John 15: 9-11, 17: 132020-09-06 - Why do we need the Apostles creed - Hebrews 11:620200906 -Kirsteen Adams Testimony20200913-Mike-Crockett-Testimony.mp320200913 - I Believe in God - Hebrews 11 1-62020-09-20 PM - God the Father Almighty - Acts 17: 16-342020-09-27 - Creator of Heaven and Earth - Revelation 4: 6-11Kirsty Bateson Testimomy2020-10-04 - I Beleive in Jesus Christ the Son of God - Revelations 52020-10-11 - The Virgin Birth - Matthew 1: 18-252020-10-25 -Suffered under Pontius Pilate - John 19 1-122020-11-01 PM-Christ descended to the dead - 1 Peter 3:18-222020-11-08 - Death could not hold him - Matt 28: 1-112020-11-15 PM - ‘Jesus, the name high over all’ - Philippians 2:5-112020-11-22 PM - Christ will come to judge the living and the dead - Psalm 96:10-12 and John 5:25-292020-11-29 Part 2 PM - “The fruit of the Holy Spirit” - Galatians 5:13-26 -2020-12-06 PM - The coming of the Light - John 1: v 9, Isaiah 9: v 22020-12-13 PM - The Word became flesh - John 1: 14-182020-12-24 - God closes the distance - Luke 2: 13-142021-03-28 AM - "The cost of following Jesus"- Luke 14:25-352021-03-28 PM - Sowing and Reaping- Galatians 6:6-102021-04-04 - The great exchange - 2 Corinthians 5: 17 - 6: 22021-04-04 PM - Peter's story - A New Beginning - John 21: 1-252021-04-11 PM - Who is a Pardoning God like Thee - Exodus 34: 1-7a, Joel 2: 11-142021-04-18 PM - Motivation to Holiness - Luke 21: 5-36, 1 Cor 3: 10-15 and 4: 4-52021-04-25 PM -" New Creation " - Galatians 6: 11-182021-05-02 PM - Wisdom for testing times - James 1: 1-122021-05-09 PM - Depending on God in this time of trial - James 1: 1-152021-05-16 PM - Thy Kingdom Come - Acts 1: 1-112021-05- 23 PM - Why do we need the Holy Spirit - 2 Timothy 1: 3-122021-05-30 PM - I believe in the church -Acts 2: 42-472021-06-06 AM - Building with wisdom in Christ’s church - Matthew 16:13-24 and 1 Peter 2:4-102021-06-06 PM - Rooted and built up in Christ - Colossians 2:6-17Mike Crockett Baptismal testimony2021-06-20 AM - " He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord " - Psalm 112 : 1, 6-92021-06-20 PM - Living in Christ - Ephesians 2: 1-1020211003pm - What kind of Follower - Matthew 28: 1620211003am - The Church moving forward-What kind of Church - Acts 2: 42-472021-10-10 AM - Do you know the Lord of the harvest - Ruth 22021-10-10 PM The Blessing of forgiveness - Psalm 13020211017am - 2 Samuel 9 - Belonging to God's family20211017pm-Praying like a disciple-Matthew 26: 36-45, Ephesians 6: 10-182021-10-24 am -Abiding in Christ - John 15: 1-112021-10-24 pm - The "Hidden" power of Prayer & Fasting - Matthew 17: 14-212021-10-31am part 3 - How can we glorify and enjoy God ? By abiding in Christ, showing ourselves to be his disciples and glorifying the Father just like Jesus did.- Psalm 37:4, John 15: 7-122021-10-31am part 1- Worshipping and enjoying God - Deuteronomy 6: 52021-10-31am part 2 - Worshipping God is not easy because we get so easily distracted2021-11-07am -Praise and thanksgiving - Romans 11: 33-36, Psalm 1452021-11-07 pm - Stewardship of the earth - Genesis 1: 26-25, 2: 15, Psalm 82021-11-14am Confession and assurance - 1 John 1:5-2:220211-11-4pm - The Lord's Supper - Psalm 25 and Luke 23:32-472021-11-21 am - Glorifying God and Edifying others - Colossians 3:12-212021-10-24 pm - Caring for God's creation - love your neighbour - Isaiah 58:5-12 and Luke 10:25-3720211128am - Listening to God's Word - Psalm 19.20211128pm - Hope for God's creation - Romans 8:18-3020211121 pm - Caring for God's creation - Luke 10: 25-37 - Isaiah 58: 5-12,2021-12-05 am - A generous Christmas'. - Philippians 2:5-11.2021-12-05pm - A comforting Christmas - Isaiah 40: 1-1120211212am - An enlightening Christmas - John 1:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:620211212pm - A peaceful Christmas - Isaiah 9:1-72021-12-19am- Wondering: Why Christmas? - Luke 1:5-25 and 26-38.2021-12-19pm - What makes a good Christmas ? - John 1: 14-182021 -12 - 24 pm - A surprising Christmas -Luke 2: 8-202022-01-02 - 'A good New Year - Living for the King of Kings' - Matthew 2:1-1220220109am - God's power through our weakness - 2 Corinthians 4:6-720220109pm - How to be strong in the Lord - Ephesians 3: 14-212022-01-16 am -God's power through our weakness - Acts 19: 1-172022-01-23am- Causes and cures of diversion- 1 Corinthians 1: 10-172022-01-23pm- The sovereignty of God- Daniel 10:1-12, 12: 7-132022-01-30 AM - Power through weakness - 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:52022-01-30 PM - God's power through our weakness - 1 Corinthians 1:26 - 2:52022-02-06 am- Christian spirituality: the mind of Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:6-162022-02-06 pm - God's power through our weakness- 1 Corinthians 1: 122022-02-13 am -Planters and Builders for Christ - 1 Corinththians 3: 1-172022-02-20am - Fools for Christ - 1 Corinthians 42022-02-20 pm - Idolatory and the exit of God's Glory - Ezekiel 8: 1-18, 11: 16-242022-03-06am - Suffering has a backstory - Job 24: 1-12, 22-242022-03-06pm -The God who keeps covenant -Ezekiel 16:59-60; 18:21-32.2022-03-13 am - Behold my servant - Isaiah 42: 1-92022-03-13 pm - A new heart and a Spirit - Ezekiel 36: 24-282022-03-27 am - The way of the Lord: A journey into life - Matthew 6: 25-342022-03-27 PM - The presence God establishes - Ezekiel 47: 1-1220220320am - The way of witness - Matthew 5: 13-1620220320pm - The people God restores - Ezekiel 37: 1-14, 22-24820220403am - 'The way into rest' - Matthew 11:25-12:8.20220403pm - 'The merciful call of God' - Matthew 9:1-9.2022-04-10 am - 'The way into Jerusalem' -Matthew 21:1-112022-04-10pm - 'The challenge of Jesus' - Psalm 118: 1420220417am - 'Easter Sonrise' - John 20:1-1820220417pm - 'Living hope' - 1 Peter 1:3-92022-04-24 am - The Priorities of the Risen Christ - John 20:19-312022-04 -24 Family Sundae - Persistence in Prayer - Phil 4:52022-05-01 am - The Prayers of Peter and the Centurion - Acts 10:34-43 and Psalm 96:10-132022-05-01 pm - The comfort of God's rod and staff , an introduction to the book of Nahum - Nahum 1:1-82022-05-08 am - Why and How should I serve God? - John 21:1-25, Romans 12:1-32022-05-08 pm - Biblical Reflection - Romans 8: 38-3920220515am - Distracted by the mystery of God - Ephesians 3:1-1320220515pm - Our Great Commission - Matthew 28 v 17-2020220522am - The model for all our service’.- Mark 10:44-45.20220522pm - God's to us - Ephesians 4:7-1620220529am - Power to serve in the body of Christ- Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 1220220529pm - Serving Together - 1 Corinthians 12:12-302022- 06-05 pm -Witnessing in the power of the Holy Spirit - Acts 1:1-82022-06-12 am - Rekindling the flame of love - Romans 12:9-162022-06-12 pm - Reflecting God's Love - 1 Corinthians 13: 1-720220619am - The why and how of Christian service - Mark 10: 4520220619pm - Faith Hope and Love - 1 Corinthians 13:8-1320220626am - Church Family: a learning community - Colossians 3:12-1720220626pm - Come and see - Luke 12:35-40; Matthew 20:28; Psalm 23:520220703am - God meant this for good - Genesis 28: 10-202022-07-03 All age - - God meant this for good - Genesis 28: 10-2020220710am talk 1 - ‘The Pit’ - Genesis 37.20220710am talk 2 - ‘The Pit’ - Genesis 372022-07-17 - The Prison - Genesis 39.20220724am Part 1 - The Palace - Genesis 4120220724am part 2 - The Palace - Genesis 412022-07-31 - The Pardon - Genesis 452022-08-08 Talk 1 - No Future without forgiveness - Genesis 45:1-152022-08-08 Talk 2 - Trusting God's good plan for you - Genesis 50: 15-202022-08-28 - Finding your true self in God - Genesis 3: 1-13, 1 John 3: 120220814am - ‘Forgiveness is Forever’ - John 8 v12.20220821am - I am created -Genesis 1:26-31,Genesis 3:1-1320220821pm - The Scapegoat’.- Leviticus 16 v 20-22.2022-09-04 am - I am a New creation - John 1: 9-14, 2 Cor 5: 14-212022-09-04 pm - Identity in Christ - Colossians 3: 1-420220911am - How to find yourself - Philippians 3: 1-1420220911pm - Putting off your old self - Colossians 3: 1-1120220918AM - The majesty of Christ - Psalm 8 and Matthew 21:1-1120220918pm - Putting on the new self - Colossians 3:1-1720220925 am - Jamie - Testimony20220925am - Katrina - Testimony20220925am - I am God’s work in Progress -Romans 8:29-30; 2 Corinthians 3:1820220925pm - David Morrell - Testimony20220925pm - Fiona Crosbie - Testimony20220925pm - “New Life in Christ ” - Colossians 2:6-1220221002am - Finding your true self in God - Galatians 3:26-4:720221002pm - The Passover Lamb Fulfilled - Colossians 2: 13-1520221009am - God's justice and freedom20221009 Part 1 pm - International Justice Mission (IJM)20221009 Part 2 pm - International Justice Mission (IJM)20221016am - The slave girl, the General and the mission of God - 2 Kings 520221016pm - Evangelism is for everyone -Matthew 28: 16-2020221023am - God the Saviour - Acts 7:17-3620221023pm - The cry of the heart and the call of God - Exodus 3: 1-1820221030 AM - Persevering by faith - Hebrews 11:23-2920221106am - Knowing God and making him known - Psalm 103, John 1: 14-1820221106pm - God's provision on the desert journey - Exodus 16:1-3620221113am - The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world - John 1:2920221113pm - Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? - Exodus 5:220221120am- Why and how can we obey God - Exodus 20:1-17, John 1:17-18 and 2 Corinthians 320221120pm - Praying for God’s presence and glory - Exodus 33 - 34:1-9271122am Talk 1 - The Promised King - Isaiah 9:1-727112022 am Talk 2 - Who's in charge - Isaiah 9: 1-704122022am - How can I be sure of this - Luke 1: 5-2504122022pm - God's plan, God's way, In God's time - Exodus 26: 30-3320221211am - Frequently asked questions about the birth of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-25 and Philippians 2:1-1120221211pm - Jesus in the Old Testament - Luke 14: 13-2720221218am - Down to earth Christmas - Philippians 2: 1-1120221218pm - Good news for all the world - Matthew 2:1-1220221224 - Recognising,Receivingand Rejoicing in the Saviour - Luke 1:26-38 -20221225am - The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice - Matthew 2:1-1220230101 - Jesus said " I am the light of the World whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness but have the light of life" - John 8:1220230108am - I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing - John 15:520230108pm - Two Worlds - John 15:18 – 16:420230115am -The Servant King - John 13 v1-1720230205am - Jesus is the way, the truth and the life - John 14:1-620230205pm - Jesus shows us the Father - John 14:7-1420230212am - Another helper - John14: 15-2720230212pm - Psalm 120230219am -How to bear fruit for God - John 15: 1-920230219pm - Praying to Jesus the Sovereign King - Acts 4: 23-31, Psalm 220230226am - Looking forward to Easter - Psalm 3220230226pm - The Fortified Life - Psalm 320230305am - The friendship of the Lord - John 15: 9-1720230312am -What does the Holy Spirit do ? - John 15: 26 - 16: 1520230319am - “Death to Life" - John 12:20-3320230319pm - “Psalms and the Life of Faith” - Psalm1920230326am -"Your grief will turn to joy " - John 16:16-3320230326pm - Jesus’ prayer for his disciples -John 17:1-5, 20-2620230416pm -A bruised reed he will not break - John 2120230416am - The priorities of the risen Christ -John 2020230409pm - Nicola Underdown's Testimony & Baptism20230402am - “A King who saves” - Matthew 21: 1-1120230507pm - “Who is the King of glory?” - Psalm 24 and Mark 1: 29-3920230409am - The Truth that changes everything - Luke 24: 1-1220230827AM - 'Confidence in the God of hope' - 1 Peter 1:3-5; 3:1520230827PM - Fellowship, freedom and forgiveness’ -1 John Chapter12018-07-01-Security and the call of God- Gen 11: 27 - 12: 1-92018-12-16 AM - Gods personal present - Luken2: 1-7Overcoming Anxiety Part 2Overcoming Anxiety Part 12018-1216 PM - Gods parallel plan - Luke 2: 8-142018-12-23 Sermon2018-10-07 AM - Forgiving others - Matthew 18: 21-352018-12-23- Advent candles - Isaiah 9:6, Micah5:2- Mark 1: 2-6 -Luke 1:46-49, Luke 2:28-32- Luke 2: 13-142018-12-24 - Advent Calendar2018-12-02 AM- Watching and waiting for the light- Isaiah 8:16 - 9:72018-12-02 PM - The gospel and the day of judgement - Romans 2: 2-162018-04-22 PM- Privilege-Matt 6: 5-152018-04-22 AM- An Example to follow- Phi; 3: 12-212018-05-13 AM-The antidote to anxiety= Phil 4: 4-92018-09-30 AM- Trusting in God,our provider-1 Timothy 6: 17-202018-05-20- The promised gift-Acts 2: 36-402018-09-16 AM - Doubt and Faith-John 20: 24-3120180408AM- Listening to, Learning from & Loving Jesus Luke 10: 38-42 ; John 12: 1-82018-06-10 AM - Rejoice always! -Philippians 4:12018-04-15 AM - A race worth running - Phil 3: 12-142018-06- 03 AM- The blessing if generosity -Phil 4: 14-202018-08-12-Faith and the tests of God-Gen 22: 1-92018-06-03 PM - Protection - Matt 6:132018-03-04 AM - Life changing Purpose; Phil 3: 7-112018-11-25 PM - The Religious need the Gospel - Romans 2: 1-52018-09-02 PM - Paul's passion and purpose - Rom 1:12018-02-11 AM- Imitating Christ - Philippians 2:5-112018-06-17 pm- Perspective: God's Glory- John 1: 1-142018-02-25 AM - What are you relying on 'Are you Saved' Plilippians 3:1-62018-11-25 AM - Grace for works of Service - Ephesians 4:7-162018-05-06 PM- Purpose- Matt 6: 102018-06-17 am - Interview with Matt Alexander2018-01-07AM-Joy in God's people-Phil 1: 3-112018-11-18 PM - The gospel and the wrath of God- Romans 1:18-322018-02-18 AM-Working out your salvation-Phil 2: 12-182018-06-10 PM-Perspective: God’s power - Matt 6: 5-142018-09-09 PM-The Gospel promised beforehand- Romans 1: 22018-01-28AM- What are you living for ?- Phil 1: 18-262018-11-18 AM -The grace of giving - 2 Cor 8:1-15, 9:6-152018-02-04 PM-Living for the city of God -Hebrews 13: 9-152018-07-22-Laughter and the gift of God-Gen 18:6-15;21:1-72018-02-25 PM-Hope for the Perplexed' Psalm 732018-09-09 AM -Image and Identity- Colossians 3:1-142018-01-28 PM-Community of grace- Hebrews 13: 1-92018-04-29 PM - Praise - Matt 6: 92018-09-02 AM2018-09-23 AM- Baptism- John 9: 1-7;35-382018-11-11 AM - Lest we forget - Timothy 2:82018-07-15-Relationship and God's covemant-Genesis 15:1-21 ; 17:12018-07-08-Ambition and the reward of God-Gen 13: 2-172018-11-04 PM-The gospel and power of God-Romans1:16-182018-12 -09 AM - God with us - Matthew 1: 18-252018-01-14 PM-The unshakeable kingdom-Hebrews 12:19-292018-02-04M-A public faith - Philippians 1: 27-302018-02-11 PM - Hope for the lonely-Psalm 22; Psalm 27:102018-02-18 PM-The temptations of Jesus-Luke 4: 1-132018-03-04- Hope for the body- Job 19: 23-272018-01-21 AM-A selfless attitude-Phil 2: 1-52018-05-06 AM-A peace to pursue ;Philippians 4:1-32018-11-04 AM-What does the good news mean to us-Romans1:16-18 Mark 8:34-382018-01-07PM-Don't miss the grace of God- Heb 12: 14-162018-10-28 PM-The Righteous will live by faith- Habakkuk 2:42018-01-14 AM-Joy in God's purpose-Phil 1: 12-182018-09-23 PM- 'Faith and Obedience'- Romans 1:52018-04-29 AM- A place to belong - Phil 3: 20-212018-10-28 AM - When Hope walks in- Psalm 62018-05-27 PM- Pardon - Matt 6: 12-14,152018-10-14 AM-Using time wisely- Proverbs 6:6-11, Ephesians 5:15-1621-01-18 PM-Service to mark theweek of Christian unity2018-04-15 PM- Principles- Matt 6: 5-152018-12-24- Finding peace at Christmas- Luke2 : 13-142018-05-13 PM- Provision- Matthew 6: 82018-09-16 PM-The Gospel regarding God's Son- Romans 1: 3-5 Talks Archive For previous talks click on the talks archive picture below