Faith and the tests of God
2018-08-12-Faith and the tests of God-Gen 22: 1-9 Angus Jamieson
2018-08-12-Faith and the tests of God-Gen 22: 1-9 Angus Jamieson
2018-08-05.Trusting God’s judgement Gen 18:16-33 Pastor Alasdair Macleod
2018-07-29-The God who sees and hears – Gen 16:1-14; 21:14-21- Pastor Alasdair Macleod
2018-07-22- Laughter and the gift of God-Gen 18:6-15;21:1-7 Pastor Alasdair Macleod
2018-07-15-Relationship and God’s covemant-Genesis 15:1-21 ; 17:1 Jeff Howarth
2018-07-08-Ambition and the reward of God-Gen 13: 2-17 Matt Alexander
2018-07-01-Security and the call of God- Gen 11: 27 – 12: 1-9 Pastor Alasdair Macleod